What is the dress code?
For daily wear we ask that everyone dresses modestly. For water activities no 2 piece swimsuit for the ladies, please wear one piece or tank top and shorts.
Leggings - please wear a long t shirt or wrap a shirt around your waste.
For chapel please women wear loose skirts/dresses, men wear long pants and no hats please in chapel.
Can I pay for just the days I attend?
Unfortunately no, we have to pay the full amount to the camp regardless of how long you stay, therefore we encourage you to try and stay the full days since you will be paying for the full time anyways.
Is the camp in open camp where I can come and go at anytime?
No, you must stay at the camp the entire time. This is closed campus. Their is no in and out as there is a gate at the entrance. There is no food runs as food is provided by the camp and snacks are available. When you sign up for camp ou agree to this policy or you can be dismissed.
Can I attend camp if I am under 18, or if I’m turning 18 that year but I won’t be 18 the day of camp?
No, camp is strictly 18 and up. You MUST be 18, we will be checking I.D.s at camp.
Do I need to attend Chapel everyday?
Yes, chapel is not optional, everyone must attend the services.
When and how can I pay? Is it ok to pay late?
Anytime BEFORE camp via Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, Check or cash (check or cash must be submitted to George Barbu).
What is the policy for people who are dating or engaged?
There is no PDA allowed for non-married couples. Always travel in pairs of 3. (This is a strict policy).
Can I just visit the camp for a day?
No, this is not an open camp. Those that can attend are only those that have been registered. There is no open visitation allowed. No guests allowed during camp.
What should I bring for bedding?
You will be provided a bed cover and a pillow. However, you will have to bring your own towel & bed sheets.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions that were not answered please contact us.